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Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

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5 Suggestions To Get Rid of Hemorrhoids
By Melissa K Riggs

There are many ways to control hemorrhoids, and they need to be controlled as sometimes the itching and inflammation can worsen with time leading to surgery at times. There are various creams and medications for both internal and external hemorrhoids. But you can also try various home remedies to get rid of hemorrhoids forever.

1. Changes in lifestyle to get rid of hemorrhoids To get rid of hemorrhoids, you must see that you don't strain yourself while sitting on the toilet, as this will only worsen the condition. By eating proper kind of fibrous food and drinking more fluids, the problem of constipation can be controlled for easy bowel movement. This puts less pressure on the veins. Drinking a lot of water does help as it flushes out toxins from the body and helps to keep the stools softer. Many people recommend warm baths while will give relief and also try to eat more of fruits or vegetables. Also make sure you eat some bran in the morning.

2. Avoid Sitting or standing for hours If you wish to really get rid of hemorrhoids, then you should not sit or stand for very long periods of time at a stretch. Also avoid sitting on cushions as these increase the pressure on the veins. Pressure on the veins is one of the major causes of formation of hemorrhoids in the first place. These are natural life changes which help. Make sure that there is a free flow of blood. You can also do a lot of exercise or walking.

3. Using vasoconstrictors There is no proper cure for hemorrhoids as almost everyone has them and it is really difficult to get rid of them. There are, however, various creams available over-the -counter and these can be purchased without prescription and used on the affected area to give relief from the pain. Natural treatments are much better.

Many creams might just end up giving you relief for a few hours and do not provide a permanent cure. You can use natural astringent, witch hazel and so on. Witch Hazel will reduce the itching and you can get some relief in this way. It can be applied in various forms a few times a day and in fact, you can even clean yourself with it after a bowel movement.

4. Herbal treatments to get rid of hemorrhoids There are many herbs which increase the blood flow and even provide more strength to the blood vessels and get rid of hemorrhoids. These kinds of herbs are the ideal cure for you. You can purchase these at any grocery store. Some of these herbs include Horse Chestnut, Butcher's broom, Red sage and so on. However, you must do the proper research and necessary consultation before trying any of these. Also, be sure that you don't find any allergic reactions by using these. In case of any allergy or negative reaction, the best recourse would be to go to the doctor.

Such herbal treatments can provide the best remedy, even in cases where previously surgery was considered the only way out. These homeopathic treatments come with a guide for curing hemorrhoids. Their unique formula results in being able to get rid of hemorrhoids and relieve itching and burning as well as reduce the bleeding.

5. Diet restrictions Try to reduce intake of processed foods and sugars. Keep dairy foods such as cheese to a minimum. Also avoid yeast, alcohol, meat etcetera as they encourage unhealthy bacteria in the gut and should be kept to a minimum.

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Treatment Options For Hemorrhoids

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7 Different Treatment Options For Hemorrhoids
By Melissa K Riggs

Hemorrhoids, which are swollen or inflamed veins in the anal region, can be formed due to increased pressure on the veins. There are different treatment options which involves steps that you can take on your own, such as making some changes in your lifestyle and eating habits. But in some cases, it is important to go in for different treatment options such as medications or even surgery to cure the problem.

1. Medicines
One of the different treatment options for hemorrhoids could be medications. If you have only some mild discomfort and pain due to it, then the doctor might make some preliminary physical tests and then suggest some creams or ointments which can be bought quite easily over the counter. Other different treatment options might also include some pads or suppositories. These kinds of medications contain in them substances such as hazel, hydrocortisone. Such different treatment options for hemorrhoids can bring about some relief from the pain and itching sensations, even if it is only temporary.

But you must take care not to use these kinds of creams without consulting a doctor, for more than a week. It is possible that the above different options might result in inflammation, skin thinning or even rashes. You could also go in for natural remedies and lifestyle changes.

2. Simple procedures
In case the hemorrhoid is of the external type, then the doctor can even remove any clot that has formed externally with a simple incision. This kind of different treatment options might also provide immediate relief. There are other simple but different treatment options too which can be easily done in the doctor's office,

3. Rubber band ligation
One of the different treatment options for hemorrhoids involves the placing of one or two rubber bands at the base of an internal hemorrhoid. This results in the cutting off of the blood circulation to that area. Hence, the hemorrhoid dries up and falls off within a few days. Many people find this kind of treatment very effective, but the flip side is that this kind of different treatment options might be a little painful and it could even cause bleeding. The bleeding, however, is not too intense.

4. Coagulation
Among the different treatment options is coagulation methods where the doctor uses infrared or laser light or heat. This might result in bleeding of the internal hemorrhoids which results in hardening and drying of the hemorrhoids. However, it is possible that this option might result in the recurrence of the hemorrhoids when compared to the rubber band option.

5. Surgery
For those who have large hemorrhoids and no other procedure works, then the doctor may have to resort to one of the different treatment options which include surgery. You may have to get admitted to the hospital or stay as an out-patient.

6. Removal of Hemorrhoid
The excessive tissue is removed with different techniques and the use of a local anesthetic or sedation. Sometimes, a spinal anesthetic or general anesthetic is also given. This is one of the most effective options, but it could result in many side-effects and complications. The patient might find it difficult to empty the bladder and urinary infections can also occur. This surgery can be followed by soaking in a warm bath or taking medications.

7. Stapling
Stapled hemorrhoidectomy is one of the different treatment options for hemorrhoids where the surgery involves blocking of the blood flow to the tissue affected by the hemorrhoid. This is one of the different treatment options that is generally less painful and one can return to normal quite soon. But this treatment might result in a recurrence of the hemorrhoid condition and in some cases it can also lead to rectal prolapsed where the protruding of the rectum can occur.

Thus, there are different options available for hemorrhoids, and one must consult with the doctor regarding the best treatment in each individual case after a thorough physical examination has been done.

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How to Treat External Hemorrhoids

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External Hemorrhoid Treatment - How to Treat External Hemorrhoids at Home
By Ruimin Huang

If you want to find an external hemorrhoid treatment to avoid the surgery, then this article will give you several ideas. Right before you look into details, you need to know what you are going through right now. Being aware should be the first things that you should do in order to effectively cure your hemorrhoid.

Hemorrhoids are swollen tissues and varicose veins within the anus and rectum part. Actually, there are two types of hemorrhoids, which are known as internal and external hemorrhoids. When talking about the internal hemorrhoid, you should remember this one is within the anal canal while the external one is just located outside.

External hemorrhoids are very painful, if bleeding occurs and is not treated properly, the vein will break and it will form a pool of blood that can cause bluish lump. You will need proper external hemorrhoid treatment when this situation happens. This type is easily found in the middle-aged people, because they are having too much stress every day, and could not maintain their healthy lifestyle. You are very lucky because there is a lot of external hemorrhoid treatments available for people like you.

There are some traditional and modern methods which will help you dealing with your pain. One of them is sitz bath. Just fill your bath tub with enough warm water, and then put the anal area inside. You need to soak is for 10-15 minutes. If you want fast effect, you need to do this several times per day. This kind of solution is very effective in relieving the pain and itching. It can also shrink your hemorrhoid faster if you use witch hazel after every bath. You can apply this herbal treatment with the help of a baby wipes.

If you want to relieve yourself from the pain, you can use some drugs or creams. This method may instantly cure your pain and swelling, but the effect might be temporary. Just do remember, healthy eating and lifestyle are the best treatment that can permanently cure your hemorrhoid.

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