treat your hemorrhoids and piles at Zenmed

External hemorrhoids

cure piles with Zenmed natural hemorrhoids products
External hemorrhoids are swellings containing dilated or varicose veins situated in the mucous membranes of the rectum or in the skin around the anus. Hemorrhoids are also called piles and they are very painful especially when passing excreta.

This type of piles are so named because they occur outside the anus and can actually be observed as a visible cyst outside but very near the mouth of the rectum. That is why they are particularly painful when excreta is passed because the stool scrapes the side of the pile while going out.

There are many external hemorrhoids treatment products available over the counter and on the internet. A simple search on any of the search engines like Google will reveal quite a good number of products claiming to be a total cure for it.

Care should be taken in the selection of the product you want to use to avoid aggravating the disease and being worse-off health-wise.

Get the best external hemorrhoids treatment cream and be free from pain at

ZENMED® ZIRO external hemorrhoids treatment is a soothing combination of astringent and anti-inflammatory herbal extracts in ZIRO bringing fast and effective relief from pain and discomfort, reducing the sensation of heaviness, burning and pruritis (itching) that often accompany hemorrhoids. Discover ZENMED® ZIRO

Treatment of piles and Hemorrhoids

cure piles with Zenmed natural hemorrhoids products

Hemorrhoids and Piles Symptoms and Treatment by Dee J Cooper

Many people suffer from hemorrhoids at some time in their lives. As much as half the population has had hemorrhoids by their 50th birthday. Women and men alike can have them. Pregnant women are especially prone to them because of the increased pressure from the fetus.

Hemorrhoids are veins that are swollen. You could describe them as varicose veins of the rectum. Sometimes they are referred to as piles. They normally will not start bleeding or cause pain but sometimes a problem will arise. There are several kinds of hemorrhoids:

*Internal-inside the anus

*External-around outside of anus

*Thrombosed-a blood clot has formed in the anal vein

*Prolapsed-has fallen through the anal opening

Problems can cause swelling, pain and bleeding. These problems can be caused for several reasons. Waiting, instead of going to the bathroom when you feel the urge, can cause pressure to build up and cause your veins to swell. Constipation should be avoided so you do not aggravate the hemorrhoids. Bleeding of bright red blood is usually a sign of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids will cause pain and itching. Excessive wiping after using the bathroom can also cause irritation to occur. You should avoid sitting for long periods of time without taking a break and walking around.

Treatment of piles can be as simple as changing your eating habits. By adding more leafy green vegetables, fruits, and whole grains in cereal and breads to your diet will help regulate your bowels and prevent constipation. Fiber plays an important part also. It can be introduced into the body by your breads and cereals or by a supplement in pill or powder form. Also essential to maintaining regular habits is the consumption of at least six glasses of water a day. This will help to soften the stool and prevent the need to strain. Using moist soft cloths to wipe instead of using toilet paper can reduce the chance of scratching or irritating the anal area. Soaking in a tub of warm water can be a source of relief for some people. This remedy is referred to as a Sitz bath. Other people may prefer to use ice packs to reduce the swollen veins.

Ointments of zinc oxide and suppositories are available over the counter that may be the treatment needed for some other people. Exercise, especially walking, will help keep your bodily functions moving and decrease your chances of hemorrhoids.

Severe cases of piles may need to be treated by your physician. The options that could be considered are:

*Rubber band ligation(placing a band on vein that is swollen until it shrinks away)

*Placing chemicals on hemorrhoid to get rid of them .

*Burning the area with infrared

*Surgery to remove the swollen area

If you have unanswered questions you can find further information at

About the Author

Dee J Cooper is the writer of numerous articles published worldwide.

Symptoms relating to hemorrhoids

cure piles with Zenmed natural hemorrhoids products

All Natural Hemorrhoid Cure by Sandy

Due to the embarrassing nature of external hemorrhoids and the related symptoms, hemorrhoids are not generally seen as a topic of discussion. Once hemorrhoid sufferers experience the pain, anal bleeding, itching, burning and general discomfort, they take action. This is often too late, as hemorrhoid treatment is most effective when applied during the early phase when general hemorrhoid symptoms are being experienced.

Symptoms relating to hemorrhoids, can at times feel as if there is no relief in sight. Have faith though, as a large number of hemorrhoid cures, treatments and preventative measures have been developed. The important factor is to find the right hemorrhoid remedy for you. Over the counter medications have all been developed to target external hemorrhoids. As hemorrhoids are a natural body reaction to an imbalance, there are luckily a number of successful home cures that have been formulated.

Causes of External Hemorrhoids

Importantly, when starting treatment for a condition such as hemorrhoids, you first need to establish what the root cause of the condition is. Most of the natural, holistic treatments available, focus on the root cause, not just on symptom relief. This will also result in your hemorrhoids disappearing forever, without any relapses, and that is the end goal, right?

External hemorrhoids begin from veins and blood vessels that run through the rectal area. Due to human physiology, the anal circulatory blood system, works in a peculiar manner. Gravity indicates that liquid must flow down; however, your body requires blood to be pumped back up to the heart. It is also important to note, that the anorectal canal is under constant natural pressure, simply due to your normal movement and the body's natural functions.

The blood vessels that form part of the anal muscles, that are responsible for removing waste from the anal cavity, are also running through the large hemorrhoidal cushions on the inside of anal canal. These particular veins have the ability to open or constrict, in order to allow flexibility and sphincter control, which we make use of on a daily basis. They run down past the anal sphincter, right up to the exterior of the body. Then they swing back up towards your heart. This "U-turn" within the veins can be found close to the skin, this is the location where external hemorrhoids can develop. You might ask why this occurs.

The precise logical cause has as yet not been completely clarified; however, hemorrhoids develop from excessive pressure within the abdominal region, increasing blood pressure within the veins. The blood then exerts force on the protective vein walls. Although these walls poses elasticity, if they pressure exerted is too high, hemorrhoids will develop.

If the vein wall stretches so far that it doesn't naturally contract, a hemorrhoid develops. While some hemorrhoids go away on their own, others will just grow bigger and cause more problems. You should always treat external hemorrhoids long before they get to a critical stage.

Abdominal pressure can be caused by constipation, pregnancy,obesity,wearing tight clothing and chronic diarrhea. Colorectal conditions are also known to cause hemorrhoids. It is frightening to realize that the modern toilet design can contribute to hemorrhoids developing. It only allows weak muscle support in the required position, therefore adding pressure to the anal canal.

If you are pregnant or have a serious health problem with your large intestine, your external hemorrhoids may not clear up until the health condition is either gone or controlled. Lifestyle changes are important, therefore following a healthy diet, filled with fibre, fruit and vegetables is essential. It also ensures your stool to be loose.

Drinking lots of water is very important to keep your body hydrated and your bowel movements regular, preventing constipation. Educate yourself on natural holistic treatments; your body and a healthy lifestyle are the best weapons you have. Natural and Fast Hemorrhoid Cure

About the Author

As an ex-hemorrhoid sufferer, I would like to make sure other's are informed about the methods that can be used to cure hemorrhoids.

Read Hemorrhoids Treatment Articles

hemorrhoid treatment

cure piles with Zenmed natural hemorrhoids products

Different Hemorrhoid Treatment by Eliza Maledevic Ayson

If you are suffering the pain of having hemorrhoid, it is natural for you to seek remedies in order to get rid of the pain. Now there are over the counter medicines and ointment that are readily available. But there are some people who believe with those natural hemorrhoid treatments. People usually eat fibrous foods that will help them in passing stools. People also drink plenty of waters to avoid constipation. Aside from these natural hemorrhoid cures, people do some forms of exercises in order to make the treatment procedure quicker.

These simple remedies can bring relief. They can get rid of the swelling and reduce inflammation of the hemorrhoid. But there are times that even doing all of these simple hemorrhoid treatments there is still temporary relief. And the worse is that if the pain gets more severe.

Now there are common alternatives for non-surgical procedures for treatment of hemorrhoids. These are rubber band litigation, infrared photocoagulation and sclerotherapy.

The rubber band litigation is usually done by placing a rubber band on the base of the hemorrhoid; this is to stop the circulation of the blood. And because of this the hemorrhoid will be dried up and fall after a few days. This procedure is one of the well-known treatments for hemorrhoid. According to sources, this procedure has the highest success rate. And these people say that there is an improvement with the symptoms that they experienced. But the disadvantage of this hemorrhoid treatment is that there is a severe pain wherein even pain killers do not take in effect.

Laser or infrared coagulation is usually done by using a laser or infrared. This usually hardens the hemorrhoid tissue and to form scar tissue as the area heals. This hemorrhoid treatment is less severe complications than the rubber band litigation. The procedure is so simple, convenient and fast. There are no serious complications. But the problem with this procedure there is a great tendency for recurrence.

Sclerotherapy is another hemorrhoid treatment that you can have. This is usually done by injecting chemical solution around the blood vessel in order to shrink the hemorrhoid. It is fewer and lesser complications than the rubber band litigation. But the disadvantage of this procedure is urological complications.

Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgery in removing the hemorrhoid. Because of this there is am higher rate of success. This is the best treatment for fourth degree. Though it is considered as one of the best treatment it has also the highest pain and complications.

All of these can be good hemorrhoids treatment. But of course it is still better if you are going to have complete diagnosis with your physician.

Eliza Maledevic Ayson
Hemorrhoids Treatment

Eliza Maledevic Ayson writes for - SEO Company

Get Rid of Hemorrhoid

Patients who undergo hemorrhoidectomies always experience pain in the intervening weeks to full recovery. While surgery is intended to be a long-term solution, the pain is definitely something to consider, especially since hemorrhoids can return after surgery. Besides, the main reason people seek hemorrhoids remedies is to ease the pain, and surgery can be a painful solution that may not even be effective considering the pains associated with surgery.
  • Hemorrhoid Piles Remedy
  • Hemroid Natural Treatment
  • ZENMED® EnsaAnother common side effect is the inability to urinate after surgery. This is so common that hospitals will not even release patients until they have successfully urinated. Less likely, although very possible, consequences of a hemorrhoidectomy include the loss of bladder or bowel control, hematomas, and infections. Laser surgery, often touted as a safe and painless procedure, can cause deep tissue damage. Fortunately, you can get rid of your hemorroids with safe, all-natural herbal hemorrhoidal remedies.

Very good natural treatments for hemroids include Zenmed Ensa and Zenmed Ziro Creams specially formulated for the treatment of internal hemroid and external hemorhoid. If you take all-natural Venapro, you will see how unnecessary hemorrohoids surgery really is. Venapro is easy to take, relieves pain immediately, and has absolutely no side effects whatsoever. Herbal hemorrohoids treatment is worth a try. Cure hemorroids today with tried tested trusted all-natural herbal hemorrhoid remedies.

Hemorrhoids, otherwise called piles, are swellings containing dilated or varicose veins situated in the mucous membranes of the rectum or in the skin around the anus. Hemrhoids are most times painful and pile is even more painful when passing excreta.
Discover the most potent external hemorrhoid treatment creams and be free from pain and discomfort associated with piles at

Hemorrhoids Treatment

Patients who undergo hemorrhoidectomies always experience pain in the intervening weeks to full recovery. While surgery is intended to be a long-term solution, the pain is definitely something to consider, especially since hemorrhoids can return after surgery. Besides, the main reason people seek hemorrhoids remedies is to ease the pain, and surgery can be a painful solution that may not even be effective considering the pains associated with surgery.
Hemorrhoid can be surgically removed. Having hemorhoids surgically removed is an enticing remedy to people who have been suffering from piles for many years. After applying over-the-counter treatments and never feeling anything but temporary relief, it is understandable for someone to want to get rid of hemrrhoids forever. Hemorhoids surgery [hemorrhoidectomies] is sometimes not the pleasant remedy hemorrhoids sufferers look forward to having. Surgery comes with its unpleasant side effects.

Hemorrhoids, otherwise called piles, are swellings containing dilated or varicose veins situated in the mucous membranes of the rectum or in the skin around the anus. Hemrhoids are most times painful and pile is even more painful when passing excreta.

Another common side effect is the inability to urinate after surgery. This is so common that hospitals will not even release patients until they have successfully urinated. Less likely, although very possible, consequences of a hemorrhoidectomy include the loss of bladder or bowel control, hematomas, and infections. Laser surgery, often touted as a safe and painless procedure, can cause deep tissue damage. Fortunately, you can get rid of your hemorroids with safe, all-natural herbal hemorrhoidal remedies.
Discover the most potent external hemorrhoid treatment creams and be free from pain and discomfort associated with piles at


Hemorrhoids, otherwise called piles, are swellings containing dilated or varicose veins situated in the mucous membranes of the rectum or in the skin around the anus. Hemrhoids are most times painful and pile is even more painful when passing excreta.
  • Hemorrhoid Piles Remedy
  • Hemroid Natural Treatment
  • ZENMED® EnsaVery good natural treatments for hemroids include Zenmed Ensa and Zenmed Ziro Creams specially formulated for the treatment of internal hemroid and external hemorhoid. If you take all-natural Venapro, you will see how unnecessary hemorrohoids surgery really is. Venapro is easy to take, relieves pain immediately, and has absolutely no side effects whatsoever. Herbal hemorrohoids treatment is worth a try. Cure hemorroids today with tried tested trusted all-natural herbal hemorrhoid remedies.

Patients who undergo hemorrhoidectomies always experience pain in the intervening weeks to full recovery. While surgery is intended to be a long-term solution, the pain is definitely something to consider, especially since hemorrhoids can return after surgery. Besides, the main reason people seek hemorrhoids remedies is to ease the pain, and surgery can be a painful solution that may not even be effective considering the pains associated with surgery.

Another common side effect is the inability to urinate after surgery. This is so common that hospitals will not even release patients until they have successfully urinated. Less likely, although very possible, consequences of a hemorrhoidectomy include the loss of bladder or bowel control, hematomas, and infections. Laser surgery, often touted as a safe and painless procedure, can cause deep tissue damage. Fortunately, you can get rid of your hemorroids with safe, all-natural herbal hemorrhoidal remedies.

natural herbal hemorrhoidal remedies

Hemorrhoid can be surgically removed. Having hemorhoids surgically removed is an enticing remedy to people who have been suffering from piles for many years. After applying over-the-counter treatments and never feeling anything but temporary relief, it is understandable for someone to want to get rid of hemrrhoids forever. Hemorhoids surgery [hemorrhoidectomies] is sometimes not the pleasant remedy hemorrhoids sufferers look forward to having. Surgery comes with its unpleasant side effects.
  • Hemorrhoid Piles Remedy
  • Hemroid Natural Treatment
    Another common side effect is the inability to urinate after surgery. This is so common that hospitals will not even release patients until they have successfully urinated. Less likely, although very possible, consequences of a hemorrhoidectomy include the loss of bladder or bowel control, hematomas, and infections. Laser surgery, often touted as a safe and painless procedure, can cause deep tissue damage. Fortunately, you can get rid of your hemorroids with safe, all-natural herbal hemorrhoidal remedies.
Very good natural treatments for hemroids include Zenmed Ensa and Zenmed Ziro Creams specially formulated for the treatment of internal hemroid and external hemorhoid. If you take all-natural Venapro, you will see how unnecessary hemorrohoids surgery really is. Venapro is easy to take, relieves pain immediately, and has absolutely no side effects whatsoever. Herbal hemorrohoids treatment is worth a try. Cure hemorroids today with tried tested trusted all-natural herbal hemorrhoid remedies.

Patients who undergo hemorrhoidectomies always experience pain in the intervening weeks to full recovery. While surgery is intended to be a long-term solution, the pain is definitely something to consider, especially since hemorrhoids can return after surgery. Besides, the main reason people seek hemorrhoids remedies is to ease the pain, and surgery can be a painful solution that may not even be effective considering the pains associated with surgery.


Very good natural treatments for hemroids include Zenmed Ensa and Zenmed Ziro Creams specially formulated for the treatment of internal hemroid and external hemorhoid. If you take all-natural Venapro, you will see how unnecessary hemorrohoids surgery really is. Venapro is easy to take, relieves pain immediately, and has absolutely no side effects whatsoever. Herbal hemorrohoids treatment is worth a try. Cure hemorroids today with tried tested trusted all-natural herbal hemorrhoid remedies.

Patients who undergo hemorrhoidectomies always experience pain in the intervening weeks to full recovery. While surgery is intended to be a long-term solution, the pain is definitely something to consider, especially since hemorrhoids can return after surgery. Besides, the main reason people seek hemorrhoids remedies is to ease the pain, and surgery can be a painful solution that may not even be effective considering the pains associated with surgery.

Hemorrhoids, otherwise called piles, are swellings containing dilated or varicose veins situated in the mucous membranes of the rectum or in the skin around the anus. Hemrhoids are most times painful and pile is even more painful when passing excreta.

Hemorrhoid can be surgically removed. Having hemorhoids surgically removed is an enticing remedy to people who have been suffering from piles for many years. After applying over-the-counter treatments and never feeling anything but temporary relief, it is understandable for someone to want to get rid of hemrrhoids forever. Hemorhoids surgery [hemorrhoidectomies] is sometimes not the pleasant remedy hemorrhoids sufferers look forward to having. Surgery comes with its unpleasant side effects.